city college of san francisco

2008-06-25 11:48 am
我開頭以為一過去就讀esl,之後先考toefl,但係原來唔係wor,學校戈到打黎話你去到要讀一個叫intensive english progarm,佢話呢個progarm係幫你點樣應付個toefl,但係戈間升學中心話你過到去就可以讀esl,咁我係唔係ji係俾人呃左錢,戈間升學中心都明知我未考toefl。

回答 (1)

2008-06-25 1:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What the heck that you need toefl for when you are going to community college?
If your English is good enough, you can take English 1A and 1B and you are done for (4-year university). If your English is poor, then you have to work you way up ESL classes.

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