
2008-06-25 11:33 am
我想係4月至5月期間考6級鋼琴試..麻煩提供全部考試內容...scale 可唔可以用返old 版本....我係自己學既...冇老師...所以麻煩大家可以的話...詳細少少話比我知...考試既內容同流程..唔該哂^^

回答 (1)

2008-06-26 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It seems you did not enroll any Piano exam before, U must have Theory Grade 5 before u go to all grade 6 or above practical exam.

2. U need to enroll at Dec 2008, u can go to HKEA web-site to check details.

3. To be honest, unless u r very very clever and gifted, no one can pass the exam without a teacher, because not just play all notes is OK, u need to play the STYLE according to the musical periods !

4. There are no 2008-09 syllabus, there have 2007-08 now, and at dec 2008 will published the 2009-10 syllabus.

5. Schedule of maximum marks for all grades:
Scales and Arpeggios/Broken Chords 21
Pieces: 1 30
Pieces:2 30
Pieces:3 30
Playing at Sight 21
Aural Tests 18
Total 150 (Pass-100)

6. SCALES AND ARPEGGIOS*: from memory:
(i) legato, in similar motion with hands together one octave apart, and with each hand separately, in all keys,
major and minor (both melodic and harmonic) (four octaves)
(ii) staccato, with each hand separately, in the keys specified in one of the following groups chosen by the
candidate (four octaves):
Group 1: C, A, F#, E b majors
Group 2: G, E, Bb, Db majors
(iii) legato, in contrary motion with both hands beginning and ending on the key-note (unison), in the major
and harmonic minor keys of the group chosen for (ii) above (two octaves)
(iv) staccato, in thirds with each hand separately (fingered 2 and 4) in the key of C major (two octaves)
Chromatic Scales: legato only
(i) in similar motion with hands together one octave apart, and with each hand separately, beginning on any
note named by the examiner (four octaves)
(ii) in contrary motion with hands beginning and ending on C with the L.H. and E with the R.H., a third apart
(two octaves)
Arpeggios: legato only, in similar motion with hands together one octave apart, and with each hand separately:
(i) the major and minor common chords of all keys, in root position only (four octaves)
(ii) diminished seventh chords beginning on B, C#, D# and E (three octaves)

2008-06-26 11:22:34 補充:
7. Aural Tests GRADE 6
A To sing or play from memory the upper part of a two-part phrase played twice by the examiner. The keychord
and starting note will first be sounded and named, and the pulse indicated. A second attempt will
be allowed if necessary.

2008-06-26 11:23:46 補充:
Other details please go to HKEAA web-site or ABRSM.org to check !!!

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