法協allocation test 一問

2008-06-25 10:41 am
本人之前學過法文beginning course, using Taxi 1(unit1-10)
想問法協allocation test 係dim???
考d mud??

coz i hv forgotten many things already, wanna prepare b4 i go~
also, 如果我之前study過unit 1-10 of taxi 1 係咪should goto level 2 to continue??

回答 (1)

2008-06-25 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They will have a written test
usually will test the passe compose, le future... etc
After the written test, the principal will talk to you for a short while, to test
your spoken French.

They will allocate you to a suitable level, don't worry.

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