
2008-06-25 9:47 am
唔該有無人可以幫我譯做英文呀 ?
「如果我將我看到的都拍(攝)下來, 你會否明白我的觀點?」
愈短愈好, 希望唔好成段文字咁

其實viewpoint 包唔包括thought?? 我諗呢句主要係想講明白我0既諗法...., 明白我0既角度 唔知包括呢兩個point 之後, 譯法又會唔會唔同呢? thanks

回答 (11)

2008-06-25 11:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
「如果我將我看到的都拍(攝)下來, 你會否明白我的觀點?」
Will you understand my point of view if I put what I've seen in video?
參考: self
2008-07-03 1:53 am
If I saw me pats (absorbs) gets down, you can understand my viewpoint
參考: me
2008-06-25 9:10 pm
「如果我將我看到的都拍(攝)下來, 你會否明白我的觀點?」

If I take photos that what I see, will you understand my point?

2008-07-06 17:15:36 補充:



包括呢兩個point 之後,其實譯法係一樣,不過用詞就睇下你個人意願。
參考: me(絕不能抄襲), me(絕不能抄襲)
2008-06-25 6:32 pm
If I take the photos of what I see, could you understand my point of view more?
2008-06-25 5:28 pm
I wish if you could see a stuff like a video being taken about what I have seen and experienced, would you understand me more including my thought?
2008-06-25 4:14 pm
If I take pictures what I saw, will you understand my viewpoint?
2008-06-25 2:01 pm
If I videotape what I have seen, do you think you would have a better understanding of my viewpoint?
2008-06-25 1:07 pm
Do you understand what is my point? if i have been take some video of what

i have seen.
2008-06-25 12:14 pm
If I take pictures of what I have seen, would you understand my viewpoint?
2008-06-25 10:40 am
If I (shoot / film) all what I saw, will you understand my view?
2008-06-25 9:51 am
If I photograph / video what I saw, will it help on understanding my perspective?

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