
2008-06-25 5:35 am
Can anybody help me to translate this little paragragh:
1、為達到完全隱形的效果,平滑光脈衝需要超越“光速極限”。 2、隱形效果只能在非常小的頻率範圍內發揮效果。 3、移動物體會破壞防護罩原有的隱形效果。 4、要研製出「視覺」的隱形材料,則難度很大,其結構必須是奈米級別的。

回答 (1)

2008-06-26 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. in order to achieve the effect of total invisibility, smooth light pulse need to exceed "light speed limit"

2. invisible effect is only viable in very narrow frequency range.

3. moving objects will damage the invisibility effect of shielding.

4. it is very difficult to make "visible" transparent materials, it's construction needs to be at nano meter grade.

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