
2008-06-25 4:05 am
Bruce Lee: I said, "empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. now water can flow, or it can crash! be water, my friend."--like that, you see?

Pierre: yeah, I see, I get the idea. I get the power behind it...

Bruce Lee: uh-huh....

Pierre: so, now, two things have happened; first there's a pretty good chance that you'll get a TV series in the states called "The Warrior", isn't it? where you use what--the martial arts in a western setting?

Bruce Lee: well that was the original idea. now paramount, you know I did longstreet for paramount, and paramount wants me to be in a television series. on the other hand, Warner brothers wants me to be in another one. but both of them, I think, they want me to be in a modernized type of a thing and they think that the western idea is out! whereas I want....

Pierre: you want to do the western!

Bruce Lee: I want to do the western because, you see, I mean, or else can you justify all of this punching and kicking and violence except in the period of the west? I mean, nowadays, I mean you don't go around on the street, kicking and punching people....(pretends to reach into his jacket for a gun) because if you do....(pulls out his imaginary gun and pulls the trigger) pow! that's it. I mean, I don't care how "good" you are.

Pierre: yeah, a gun, but this is true also of the Chinese dramas, which are mainly costume dramas. they're all full of blood and gore over here!

回答 (2)

2008-06-25 1:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2008-06-25 7:21 pm
布魯斯・李: 我說, "倒空您的頭腦, 是無形的, 破相, 像水您現在投入水入杯子, 這成為您投入水入瓶的杯子, 這成為您投入它在茶壺的瓶, 這成為茶壺現在澆灌可能流動, 或它可能碰撞! 是水, 我的朋友"-- 像那, 您看見嗎?

Pierre: 呀, 我看見, 我有想法。我得到力量在它之後...

布魯斯・李: uh-huh....

Pierre: 如此, 現在, 二件事發生□; 首先有相當可能, 您將得到一個電視系列節目在狀態稱"戰士", 是? 在哪裡您用途什麼-- 武術在西部設置?

布魯斯・李: 湧出現在是創新見解至高無上, 您知道我做了longstreet 為至高無上, 並且至高無上要我是在電視系列節目。另一方面, 華納兄弟要我是在另外一但他們兩個, 我認為, 他們要我是在事的現代化的型並且他們認為西部想法是! 但是我要....

Pierre: 您想要做西部!

布魯斯・李: 我想要做西部因為, 您看見, 我意味, 或者您可以辯解所有這猛擊和踢和暴力除了在西部的期間嗎? 我意味, 現今, 我意味您不四處走動在街道, 踢和猛擊人....(pretends 對伸手可及的距離入他的夾克為槍) 因為如果您....(pulls 在他虛構的槍和拉扯之外觸發器) 戰俘! 好了我意味, 我不關心怎麼"好" 您是。

Pierre: 呀, 槍, 但這並且是真實的中國戲曲, 是主要服裝戲曲他們是所有充分的血液和血塊在這!

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