Apply For Personal Loan

2008-06-25 1:59 am
This is my first intended to apply for personal loan. Does anyone experenced in applying personal loan for bank and help me reply some queries in the following:
My current situation:
[1] Total current card loan: $270k (7 credit cards)
[2] Permanent job with stable monthly salary $21k through autopay
[3] 10 yrs working experience in construction field & working over 1 year at current company
[4] Without bad debt record & every month min. payment on time but only less than 5 times late settlement (only within 1 to 2 days daley)
[5] Over ten credit cards in hand and the sum up all credit limit over $400k (I believe it may be a factor to restrict my personal loan amount)
[6] No car, no apartment and never mortage before
[7] Less family burden. As I counted, I can take 6k to 8k with 36 months to settle the borrowed personal loan.

[1] I understand that the desired loan amount would not be fully approved as I want. So, if I intend to apply personal loan for 150k to 200k at DBS, in general case, am I sucessfully get approved? If not, what amount I can loan in my situation?
[2] If I want to one-take to get approved at BANK sucessfully, which bank would not be so conservative to release loan for me? Please list the degree of conservatives for the bank -Hang Seng, DBS, Mevas, Dai Sing and Wing Hung? Or Any other bank suggest for me?
[3] Any guarantor(保證人) required if I loan this great amount? If I do not have this person, any other way to me?
[4] At last, does anybody think any other better ways to resolve my problem?

Thanks a lot!

回答 (4)

2013-06-27 11:10 pm
按揭服務按揭利率按揭保險精選GIC環球信貸,GIC環球信貸提供8成半按揭服務,自訂還款期,按揭利率更可緊貼市場利率走勢,毋需任何費用或入息證明,一按、二按及同步二按,並提供Personal Loan,按揭保險計劃。按揭「0」費用,特快8分鐘批核。
2008-09-04 12:41 am
ok i gree.
the website can help your. and
2008-07-01 2:58 am
1)Bank is not a Good choice ,because bank only loan Mix amount salary *6 !
2)if you want to take one loan ,you can choice my company ,if you loan 270K tenor 48 months Monthly Installment $7800 without any guarantor

if you need any help or you want to know more about which loan can pay the least interest
you can call 81020393 Miss Liu ( i will help you as soon as posible )
2008-06-25 9:32 am
1. You may try Citi Financial. Citi Financial can provide personal loan amount up to 18-21 times of your salary. You can register through telephone and Citi Financial do not need any documents. You can immediately get the approval result. You can then accept the personal loan or not based upon the term and conditions (including interest rate).

2. Compare to other bank, you may not get such amount. You may also need to wait 1-2 weeks for approval.

3. Citi Financial do not need any guarantor

I am sales of Citi Financial. You can call me if you any advise.
Coco, Tel: 66841878

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