讀pure maths的煩惱

2008-06-24 8:19 am
我學校呀sir成日話我pure concept唔清


ks ng同埋herman都去過補\_/|||

回答 (1)

2008-06-27 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am also a student not good at maths at CE, but I have chosen Pure Maths in my F6 also

I know you had tried very hard to learn pure maths

if you always think you are not capable or not a genius of Maths, you would certainly can't optimize yourself, to me, you must first have self-confidence, trust your own ability, not overestimate or underestimate yourself, don't be easily affected by others.

Direction is the most important things in my mind, I went to J.Lau ( I don't know whether this guys still hold class or not), he said," I can't teach you mathematics, but I can make you teach mathematics yourself."

I think some of your problem is lack of confidence and too dependent on others, you have to have your own thinking, don't just follow the solution, always ask why and always think is there another ways to do so.

Be critical, maths is a world not by followers, but by innovators

try to teach others

you can try to summarize notes yourself, write some brief notes yourself.

Enjoy every moments

The most important thing is your own attitude, attitude is the key, your enthusiasm is the key

Life is not very long, but not very short, why you always compare with others? you are just creating pressure and pain for yourself endlessly ^^

Don't compare with others, accept yourself fully, I am not saying you don't have to improve, but first don't let past records affect the now.

also don't be controlled by your emotions, , no emotion is needed, it is not music, which need great emotion, but not a objective subject like Pure maths, treat them as your freind, I know some proof is nasty.
參考: me

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