What major should i take in college to become a medical doctor?

2008-06-24 5:27 am
people suggest chemistry, biology, biochemistry, .....
which one is better for being a doctor, or future study in medical school
then in case i cant get into a medical school, which one allows me to have better career, or for example change the career goal, then have another master degree, maybe for example pharmacy, i dunno
any suggestion or experience? thanx

i love mathematics (#1) then maybe chemistry/physics(i don't think it helps me to be a doctor) but i heard that more than half of the students in a med school have biology as their major i dont mind to take biology my major if it really helps, i dont hate it people said biology, biochemistry can help, but chemistry doesn't really help some said it's the era of genetics, so i should study biology i'm confused


my university doesnt have "pre-med" this major i know i can have anything as major to get into a med school, but i want to know what is better for future study and career practically reasonably, despite my interest thanx


very very important!!! what major is easier? :D so i can get a higher GPA, very very important!

回答 (12)

2008-06-24 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
To go to med school U can be any major from Music to Chemistry to Mechanical Engineering. What's important is a really good score on the MCAT and that U complete all the requirements for the med school U are applying to . Concerning major for a master, PhD...ect...talk to ur adviser as opportunities may vary from university/ state to univ/state. Choose what U are interessted in mostly and U can always accomodate to something more like Chem engineering or Biomedical engineering or whatever....just choose something U like and do really good on the MCAT, ur gpa and the requirements.... :)
Good Luck! :)
參考: I'm applying!!
2008-06-24 5:30 am
Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry.
2016-11-15 9:53 am
What Major Should I Take
2016-05-28 9:25 pm
參考: Get 24/7 Physician Consultations : http://OnlinePhysician.neatprim.com/?nzbb
2008-06-24 5:41 am
try liberal arts medical schools look for well rounded people someone that is into a bunch of stuff not just straight chemistry or biology and dentistry is much better two 9-5 Mon-Fri doctors are always on call its a lot of work but if you are up to it go for it.
參考: my aunt is a anesthesiologist
2008-06-24 5:39 am
I know people who are studying to become doctors and they are in different majors. One is in pre-med (the obvious answer). However, I know others in biology. Pre-med would probably be your best bet, however biology might be a little less intense (depending on where you go).

Med school will take you with either major you choose as long as you score well on the MCATS and have a pretty good GPA. You can do more than you can imagine with any science-based degree, so don't worry about changing your mind...that is unless you aren't 100% sure you want to work in the science field.

If you are really having a hard time choosing, just enter college as "undecided" and take an intro to biology course along with other general classes your first semester. If you enjoyed the biology course, you know you'd like science. If you couldnt stand it, maybe a science major isn't for you. If you are in between liking it and not liking it, then stay undecided and take the next level course the next semester; you may find that you really like a topic in the 2nd level class than the first level.

if you are still in high school, or maybe even before that, buy an anatomy book. Not a textbook, but one filled with pictures and diagrams of digestive tracks, muscles, organs, maybe even some genetics. If you find yourself interested in how the body works, then you're in good shape.

hope that wasnt too confusing
2008-06-24 5:39 am
Pre-med is the wrong answer for you. If you don't get into medical school, you have nothing. Biology, chemistry, bio-chem all require advanced degrees to get a decent job, even if you don't go to medical school. You really need to see what interests you, then decide. No need to declare a major right away, is there? Additionally, you should speak to your advisor--these are precisely the kinds of questions they are accustomed to- best of luck to you.
參考: My child graduated with a b.s. in biology
2008-06-24 5:36 am
Medical schools don't really care what your major is. You just have to take their prerequisite classes, which are usually 2 semesters of english, calculus, biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and some other stuff. You could be an art history major and get accepted to medical school as long as you complete the prerequisite classes.
2008-06-24 5:34 am
BS Nursing is a good pre-med course. Just in case you won't push through with med proper, then by itself alone, you have a career to speak of. If you get into med school, however, that's even better - you know patient care and some basic things about the world of medicine which some other courses can never teach you. In either situation, you alredy have the edge. Goodluck!
2008-06-24 5:34 am
People tell you to take chem, bio, biochem........because you'll be taking the classes that you would need for that major if your taking pre-med classes. But really, those majors aren't that useful as BA unless you want to teach secondary school. You can actually major in anything you want but if you have a major that has a different track than pre-med classes you're making a big workload for yourself. For example, bio major and pre-med classes will both ask you to take Bio 1 your first semester so you'll be killing two birds with one stone. But if you're an economics major they'll want you to take Microecon. and pre-med will want you to take Bio so you'll have two difficult classes in one semester. I would suggest looking into a Health major so that if you decide not to do med school you could be a nutritionist. Unless you love a certain subject and would enjoy having a major in that. GOOD LUCK

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