一封書信, 請替我check grammer, 可改內容, thanks

2008-06-24 3:23 am
xxx Professor,

I am writing to request for an interview of design.
I am sure that it is not proper.
However, I am not in a good status at the aptitute test due to illness.
So I beg you to give me one more chance to have an interview.
I have made a mini introduction book for my profolios.
I am sure that my ability will suit the programme.
I love to decorate an item with best packing, And then present it most beautiful part in front of the audience.
I have always been struggling for my dream of becoming a designer when I was young.
I always feel excited with my continuing new ideas And I love to estimate the feeling of the observer
I want to create a perfect image And let all of them be attracted.

So please give me a chance for interview!

回答 (2)

2008-06-25 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Notice you pretty much started all of your sentences with 'I'. Not the best thing.
Although I don't know how strong you case is.

Dear Professor X,
My name is ABC, I am very interested in the xxxx programme.
I attended the aptitute test on 1 Jun 2008, however
I was sick on the day of the test and that resulted in a less than satisfatory
test results. Prof X, I am very passionate about designing, and I have every confidence
that I would do well in the programme. Would you please
grant me an exception to have an interview with you.
Attached please find a mini portfolio
of mine for your kind reference. Since
I was a kid, I had dreams of becoming a designer,
and I had never given up on my dreams. xxxxx <add some more content to
show you passion, or any additional support for your case>
2008-06-24 4:39 am

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