In computer, what is the chinese name of

2008-06-24 1:44 am
Control Panel Dialog Box ?
Because I want to work for the function of
"ActiveX Installer Service"

回答 (2)

2008-06-24 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Controal Panel = 控制台
but I don't understand why you need the chinese name for?
Are you using it in the programming such as Visual Basic?
Please let me know if the answer doesn't details.

2008-07-04 11:27:59 補充:
Plz try the following:

In IE, click menu "工具" -> "網路選項" -> "安全性" -> "Default Level", click "低至中".

如果都唔得, 先至試下"低"啦,但要小心,低 - 即係 銀行門口冇o左亞叉睇住,o的人可以自出自入。
2008-06-24 2:18 am
Control Panel = 控制台
Dialog Box = 信息盒

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