
2008-06-23 8:16 pm

回答 (3)

2008-06-24 7:38 am
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Is HK really enjoying that much autonomy?

Look at our democratic development, why should we follow and ask for the PRC's approval when we want to democratise our own government????

Also, look at how we were influenced by the Chinese regime... can you remember when the Olympic torch passed through HK, how we rejected some people who are pro Tibetan Independence to enter HK....

And how that poor HKU student was taken away by the police for her "protection" while the attackers (those thugs from mainland) were left alone???

You called that 高度自治 ?????

2008-06-24 19:56:01 補充:
Liberty (eg freedom of speech) is the most fundamental value of any government (of any country).

Thus any peaceful and legal protest should be allowed in HK and should be protected by the police.

2008-06-24 19:56:45 補充:
That is clearly not the case in the Olympic torch issue.

2008-06-24 19:58:46 補充:
Also, have you ever heard of the Federal system they used in the USA?

The states are parts of the country (USA) and yet they all have slightly different political systems (in fact different set of laws).

2008-06-24 20:01:57 補充:
Shouldn't that same system be ammended and apply to HK (as we are far superior in our political system and legal system when compared to mainland China).

2008-06-24 20:02:40 補充:
Thus, shouldn't we have the final say over our own internal affairs????

2008-06-25 11:05:47 補充:
"特首曾蔭權亦發出聲明,表示收到馬時亨請辭的要求後,曾與馬進行兩次交談後,決定將他辭職的請求,報請中央人民政府考慮" (星島) 06月 25日

You called that 高度自治??????????

2008-06-27 11:11:09 補充:
Of course, yes you are right, but shouldn't they act as a rubber stamp and simply approve it, instead of actually trying to influence the result?

2008-06-27 11:11:53 補充:
Remember the news said "報請中央人民政府考慮" it means they are actually considering the resignation...
2008-06-24 12:50 am

2008-06-24 11:27:05 補充:

2008-06-25 16:03:31 補充:
2008-06-23 11:24 pm

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