
2008-06-23 7:13 pm
但係AL個分未必入到大學stat, 我淨係知道得POLY HKCC有得讀asso degree statistics. 但係佢無top-up degree, 萬一我GPA低佢無offer個bachelor degree俾我, 咁我點算?

我應該跟住我興趣去讀stat 定係揀其他有top-up 嘅asso? 定係出面有無第2 d 政府認可嘅course可以讀

同埋我想知HKCC asso degree in stat & computing in business多唔多讀電腦野?我唔係好鐘意讀電腦個d野架. 但係我就好鐘意讀statistics

同埋我想知大唔大幾會上到self-finance or UGC ge BSc stat 的course?

many thanksssssss!

回答 (1)

2008-06-24 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is totally impossible for a statistics program to without programming and computer. If you really hate programming, plz re-consider your choice of statistics.
To deal with the large amount of data in real life, programming is unavoidable. If you skip those programming in a statistics degree, you will find youself cannot perform any statistical analysis, and you degree in statistics will become a piece of paper only. To be honest, computer requirement of a statisitcs degree is not that harsh (may be I am logical..), but for example SAS, R(or S-plus)...is very very very important.

Back to topic,
PolyU hvHigher Diploma in Mathematics, Statistics and Computing
ug hv self-finance Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Statistics and Computing (PT),
BU hv BSc (Hons) in Statistics and Operations Research
CityU BBA Mag. Sta. may be too high grade indeed. (not to mention 三大)
出面既可以上統計學會 http://www.hkss.org.hk/ 睇下佢地d examination

仲有既係, 可以考慮下HD讀sta, degree轉科

本人唔係AD, HD升, 唔大清楚
參考: BSc Statistics.

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