請幫忙翻譯成中文!謝謝 !

2008-06-23 7:01 pm

回答 (3)

2008-06-23 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try my best, 不用網譯
Established in 1959, the group has engaged in refining and trading of gold, and in distribution and retail of jewellery. It has expanded the scope of business to real estate in terms of development, investment, management and trading. Other businesses include financial services, stock trading and construction.
In 1998, the group obtained the right to produce gold jewelry for the Disney Group and the right to distrbute products under the Garfield franchise. Meanwhile, the group also expanded its business of gold trading and recycling in the Middile East and Gulf area, and established presence in Mainland China in terms of jewelry manufacturing, distribution, retail and consultancy.
2016-03-05 7:42 pm
真的! 現在那們競爭的社會

有的當舖都掛羊頭賣狗肉 還沒借都講得很好聽

借了之後 難商量 難溝通 被綁住的感覺


自從我找到了 中壢仁寶當舖 之後 那種感覺完全不見

覺得 仁寶當舖 跟那些當舖 完全不同

完全不必看人臉色 就跟去銀行的感覺一樣

服務態度好 以客至上 詳細解說

不會有被騙的感覺 店長 人非常親切 好商量

真心推薦 中壢仁寶當舖 本人親身經歷

也可以上網搜尋看看 風評超好 超多人推薦

中壢YKK對面 非常好找 03-4520077
2008-06-23 7:54 pm
The group was established in 1959, the primary service to refine and buy and sell the gold, the wholesale and the retail sales gold ornament and the jewelry decorations, the property investment, the development, the management and the proxy, provides the financial service, business going on the market stock service as well as is engaged in the construction and the related service. 98 year group obtains the Disney gold ornament to live the property right, and obtains power of sale of the Gaffey cat product. At the same time, the group also expands the Middle East and of gold dealings and the restoration service the Persian Gulf area, also starts in inland to provide the jewelry production, the wholesale and retail of advisory service.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 19:33:03
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