
2008-06-23 5:24 pm
I have something to do or I have to do something 是對的?

回答 (3)

2008-06-23 7:00 pm
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I have something to do or have to do something是對的?
Both are correct but with different meaning.
I have something to do = Sorry I am busy.
例句: Sorry, I can't accompany you for shopping this afternoon as I have somethig to do.
I have to do something = something must be done.
例句: My son is betting on ball games recently, I have to do something about it.
Hope you can understand.
參考: self
2008-06-23 7:32 pm
I have something to do這句的have是主動詞,是”有”的意思,全句意思是:
而I have to do something這句,have to是情態動詞(mordal verb)意思是:必須、不得不
2008-06-23 5:33 pm
I have something to do
I have to do something
都是對的, 只是解釋不一樣
I have something to do 解作:- 我有一些事情要做
I have to do something 解作:- 我一定要做一些事來

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