真?假? Vans Slips on ?

2008-06-23 4:29 pm
is it假野??


and the 膠章 at the back is black....

但係手工好差, a great different from the one at walker shop... 對鞋重話係US製... 個BOX都唔多似..... 驚驚....

回答 (2)

2008-06-24 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
呢條友賣假嘢0架!!~~, 而家0既Vans 冇可能再係US 製, 況且你都識講佢手工差過行貨過多, 千祈唔好上當~~
參考: myself
2008-06-23 8:28 pm
vans 有好多個膠章, 大大話話有起碼十個.
有d 寫住 Vans, 有d 寫住 Off the Wall, 有d 寫住 Vans off the Wall, 有d 紅色, 有d 白色, 有d 黑色...

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