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2008-06-23 9:23 am

回答 (2)

2008-06-23 10:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
沒有付出, 沒有收擭

No pain, no gain.

David B. Morris wrote in The Scientist in 2005, "'No pain, no gain' is an American modern mini-narrative: it compresses the story of a protagonist who understands that the road to achievement runs only through hardship."

2008-06-23 19:46:55 補充:
作者David B. Morris曾使用過這句話。 在他的故事內容中, 主角領悟到, 要走上成功的路上, 必先要經過一番艱辛。
參考: Wikipedia.com
2008-06-23 9:41 am
No free lunch

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