改善英文行動十七. 希望大家盡力幫忙

2008-06-23 6:18 am

Do you have a mobile phone?

No, I have not a mobile phone. To be honest, I don't feel embarrassed when I tell that to my friends because a mobile phone is no used to me. Nowadays, many teenagers forget the meaning of the mobile phone, they buy a new mobile phone in order to catch on the trend. Also, some teenagers are hard to control themselves such as send a lot of message, chat with friends in a whole day etc.
So, a lot of money is wasted. Causing this situation, I think the teenagers are spoiled by thier parents.

Lastly, I hope teenagers can be considerate before they buy a new phone.

回答 (1)

2008-06-23 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案

No, I have not a mobile phone. 錯
No, I do not have a mobile phone. 正確

I have = 我有
I do not have = 我沒有

** I have not 係當一個動詞既時式黎用 (現在完成式) 另一樣野來的

例如: I have not had lunch. 我還未吃飯
如果用 I have not a mobile phone, 即係, 我還未手機? 唔通!

when I tell that to my friends because a mobile phone is no used to me. 錯
when I tell my friends about it because mobile phones are no use to me. 對

- tell that to my friends 港式英語
- tell my friends about it 正確

a mobile phone is no used to me 有文法同語法上問題

你係想講所有手提電話對你無用, 不是單單* 一部 * 手機, 所以,
手機要眾數s , 改成 mobile phones are....

另外, no used 點解use會變左過去式 ?? 變番現在式就okay了!
如果想直接一點, 可將no use 改成 useless[形容詞,沒有用的意思]

-forget the meaning of the mobile phone 錯
-neglect(忽視) the meaning of the mobile phones 對

青少年不是忘記了手機的意思, 佢地只係忽視左當中的意義!!
mobile phone 加 *s* , 因為眾數 !!

catch{流行) on the trend 錯
follow(追隨) the trend 對

catch on 解流行, 係一個詞組來的,

你話 catch on the trend 即係話青少年流行時尚??? 解唔通,
用番 follow, 追隨時尚 會好好多!!!

some teenagers are hard to control themselves such as send a lot of message,
chat with friends in a whole day etc. [錯]
some teenagers cannot control themselves. They send a lot of messages and chat with their friends all day long [對]

有些年青人很難去控制自己 *語法有問題*
一係就好似我果句咁話 *不能控制自己* 直接了當

另外, 你唔駛講 such as 後面唔跟 etc , 我直情唔要such as 呢 d 詞, 你得兩個例子, 不如唔好such as 喇, a lot of message 眾數加番 個 * s*

in a whole day = 在整天入面

什麼叫在整天入面?? 我地做乜野都係在一日入面做架喇,,,

用all day long 就有整天的意思。

請刪去causing this situation

引致這個情況是因為青少年被父母寵壞了 [語法有問題]

你應該話 A lot of money is wasted because the teenagers are
spoiled by their parents.

can be * more * considerate 可以起強調作用!
同埋 teenagers 可以用代名詞 - they

*** 對唔住我無位打哂改左篇文落黎, 你可以 E-mail 我, 再見!
參考: myself and google.

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