Area and volume

2008-06-23 12:04 am
It is known that nearly 70% of the surface of the Earth are oceans.
(a) The radius of the Earth is 6400km. Find the total area of the oceans on the Earth.
(b) Ken uses a globe of scale 1:40 000 000.
(i) What is the total are of the oceans (in cm^2) on the globe?
(ii) If the are of China on the globe is 60 cm^2, find the actual area (in km^2) of China.

可以的話 請簡述cm m km cm^2 m^2 km^2 cm^3 m^3 km^3各個單位的轉換方法. 謝

回答 (2)

2008-06-23 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
a)Total area of the oceans on the Earth
=360,302,978km²(cor. to nearest integer)

bi)Total area of the oceans on the globe
=900757cm²(cor. to nearest integer)

bii)Actual area of China

2008-06-22 17:11:10 補充:

2008-06-22 17:13:51 補充:
biTotal area of the oceans on the globe
biiActual area of China

2008-06-23 12:21 am
Find the total area of the oceans on the Earth.
*Assume that the Earth is a sphere

the total area of the sphere is 4丌r^2
the tolal area of the Earth is :

It is known that nearly 70% of the surface of the Earth are oceans
the total area of the oceans on the Earth is :
4丌(6400)^2 * 70%
= 360302978 km^2 (nearest km^2)


1m = 100cm
1km =1000m = 1000*100 cm =100000cm
1km^2 = 100000^2 cm^2 = 1 x 10^10 cm^2

1:40 000 000 We can know 1cm to 40 000 000 cm
= 1 cm to 400 * 1000 * 100 cm
= 1 cm to 400km
Therfore 1cm^2 to 400^2 km^2

The total area of the ocean in the Earth is 360302978 km^2

Therfore the total are of the oceans (in cm^2) on the globe is
360302978 / 400^2
= 360302978 / 160000
= 2252 cm^2 (4.s.f)


1cm^2 to 160000 km^2

If the area of China on the globe is 60 cm^2, find the actual area (in km^2) of China.

The area of China in the Earth is :
60 * 160000
=9600000 km^2

可以的話 請簡述cm m km cm^2 m^2 km^2 cm^3 m^3 km^3各個單位的轉換方法.

1m = 100cm
1km = 1000m = 100 000 cm

1m^2 = 100^2 cm^2 =10 000 cm^2
1km^2 = 1000^2 m^2 = 1000 000 m^2
1km^2 = 100 000 ^2 cm^2 = 10 000 000 000 cm^2 (1 x 10^10 cm^2)

1m^3 = 100^3 cm^3 =1000 000 cm^3
1km^3 = 1000^3 m^3 = 1 000 000 000 m^3
1km^3 = 100 000^3 cm^3 = 1 000 000 000 000 000 cm^3 (1 x 10^15 cm^3)

2008-06-22 16:44:02 補充:

form 3 兩條公式你要記住

L = length
A = area
V = volume

對於simular object 也好,ratio也好
L:A:V = 1次:2次:3次

A1:A2 = L1 ^2 : L2 ^2
V1:V2 = L1 ^3 : L2^3

要是長度 1cm to 400km 面積則 1cm^2 to 400^2 km
要是長度 1cm to 400km 體積則 1cm^3 to 400^3 km

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