我公司本身冇training家,今日老細無端端叫我整個來年training year plan...點算?

2008-06-22 8:46 am
我公司本身冇training家,今日老細無端端叫我整個來年training year plan...點算? 我完全冇idea .... 又未做過.... 咩野budgeting, schedule ... 都唔知點定... 大家救救我,俾的idea黎?


回答 (4)

2008-06-30 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Besides consulting others, you can also have your own plan.
1) Learn and define what training needs are required, basically about job skills, relevant knowledge and staff attitude.
2) Plan and decide what training objectives are required, depending on resources, urgency, scale of the business..
3) Determine and identify trainers, whether they're skillful enough? Do we need train-the-trainer programs? Do you need training consultants?
4) Plan and decide training programs, whether the programs are conducted in classroom or on-the-job, scheduling, tutors, contents, coverage....
2008-11-20 4:59 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和www.fast - beauty.6289.us
[email protected]
2008-06-28 1:06 am
are you working in HR dept ? training section ? what is your company nature ? what kinds of staff ?

2008-06-27 17:06:42 補充:
CANNOT JUST ASK training companies !!

2008-06-27 17:10:29 補充:
step 1 - you need to find out the training needs of your company
step 2 - you need to quantify and qualify the needs (from staff)
step 3 - you need to perform sourcing (from Internal and External) of training providers

2008-06-27 17:10:36 補充:
step 4 - you need to estimate the cost (overall and per staff or by dept)
step 5 - you need to prepare the budget for approval
step 6 - you need to find our staff availability and course availability to prepare the schedule

### others pls do not copy
2008-06-24 1:19 am

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