How do I become an actor?

2008-06-21 10:00 pm
I'm 13 years old and want to become an actor, either in movies, commercials, or TV shows. I haven't been in any major plays, but I have done some VERY SMALL school plays. How do I start?

1. Approximately how long will this process (the one Theater Doc explained) take? 2. Do agents cost money?

回答 (5)

2008-06-21 11:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. you start where you are, doing all the school and community plays you can. Look for a youth theatre to participate in.
2. Get your parents on board. You cannot do anything without their signature until you are 18. And you need their help finding you experience, training and an agent.
3. take acting classes and keep acting in all the plays you can to build a strong resume
4. When you have the resume, get a head shot and seek and agent
5. continue working on making your resume stronger.
2008-06-21 10:11 pm
it's very good that u have tried out for school plays, keep doing that. and frequently look on line for auditions close to you, and/or talk to your parents about getting an agent if you are serious, my friend did that and now her agent gets her alot of auditions and things like that, maybe go online and look for a ways to make yourself a better actor. chase your dream, but remember, it may take a very long time to reach this goal if you do, becasue there are a lot of actors out there best of luck to u!
2008-06-21 10:32 pm
do not waste your life doing that 99.9% of actors are a waste of air. Do something that will help humanity like become and engineer or doctor anythng but a waste in acting.
2008-06-21 11:30 pm
keep auditioning!! never give up! auditions are a great experience! find local theatres and audition at those!!! try to find a local talent agency and try there!!

good luck!!!
2008-06-21 11:28 pm
Try out for plays at school, then after high school go onto acting school.

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