How do i do fractional values. example 5/6 of 90 or 7/12 of 36?

2008-06-21 3:40 pm

回答 (12)

2008-06-21 3:45 pm
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You multiply

(5/6)*90 = (5*90)/6 = (5*2*3*15)/(2*3)

cancelling the 2*3

5 * 15 = 75

(7/12) * 36 = (7*36)/12 = (7*3*12)/12

cancelling the 12

7*3 = 21
參考: Longtime college math teacher
2008-06-23 3:47 pm
5 x 90

5 x 15


7 x 36

7 x 3

2008-06-22 5:59 am
5/6 of 90 = 75.
7/12 of 36 = 21.

first, divide 90 by 6 (denominator) and get 15, then multiply 15 by 5 (numerator) = 75.
the same in the second problem: divide 12 into 36 and get 3, then multiply 3 by 7 = 21.
2008-06-21 10:56 pm
90 x 5/6
= 450/6
= 75

36 x 7/12
= 252/12
= 21
2008-06-21 10:52 pm
Take the nominal amount, divide by the bottom part of the fraction, multiply the answer by the top part of the fraction.
i.e. 90 divided by 6 = 15. 15 times 5 =75.
36 divided by 12 = 3. 3 times 7 = 21.
Got it. Works for all fractions.
2008-06-21 10:52 pm
You can use your calculator, or you can..:

90/6 × 5= 75
36/12 × 7= 21
2008-06-21 10:50 pm
turn the fraction into a percent
ex: 5/6=83%
83% of 90=74.7

try with the other one too
it's that simple
參考: intelligence
2008-06-21 10:48 pm
When doing these maths problems, think of the 'of' word as a 'times' sign (X).
So to do 5/6 of 90, it would be 5/6 X 90.
Are you using a calculator? if so then just type 5, fraction (or divide) key, 6, X, 90, and the answer will pop out.

If you arn't using a calculator, i find it easiest to think of it as '5/6 X 90/1' (because 90/1 = 90, so it is the same thing). then just multiply the tops, and multiply the botoms, to give you 450/6. This then cancels down to just 75, which is the answer.

Hope this helped and wasnt too confusing!
2008-06-21 10:45 pm
multiply it. use the formula p=br
p = percent
b = base
r = rate
for the case of 5/6 of 90, 5/6 is the rate and 90 is the base. so, 5/6 of 90 is 75 and 7/12 of 36 is 21.
2008-06-21 10:44 pm
5/6 of 90= 5/6 *90/1= 75/1=75 6 becomes 1 90 becomes 15 5*15=75

7/12 of 36= 7/12* 36/1= 21 12 becomes 1 and 36 becomes 3 7*3=21

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