
2008-06-22 7:10 am
「One World, One Dream」

Same Dream in the Same World 呢?


回答 (4)

2008-06-22 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
this is a slogan!!
a slogan needs to be as simple as possible!
so i think that " One world, one dream" can already send out the message of 「同一個世界,同一個夢想」!!
Also, a slogan can be gramtically wrong!
For example,
"Impossible is nothing"--> It should be " Nothing is impossible"

one can have the meaning of all, and the same~~

i hope that u can understand

2008-06-21 23:32:52 補充:
sorry, it should be grammatically.....not gramtically
參考: me
2008-06-24 12:46 am
You are right, but if we add suitable object & adjective to beautify or I rather say to make a more complete sentence, than it will appear more meaningful & positive.

We have the same dream in the same old world.
參考: Own
2008-06-22 4:32 pm
the same world, the same dream
參考: me
2008-06-22 1:30 pm
要找句「更合語法」的寫法就真的很難,因為原句根本就沒有語法問題。口號在中文及英文都是兩個並列的名詞,所表達的意思都是一樣的。英文口號的重點放在「一個」,若寫成了如你提議的same,意思的重點就放在「同」;same world是指「同樣的世界」,那樣就跟中文原意「大家都在同一個世界」有了出入,淡寫了凝聚成一的意境。

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