
2008-06-22 5:04 am
一個oxide ion 同一個neon atom都係有一樣既electronic arrange 2,8

咁點解佢地chemical properties會唔同?

回答 (2)

2008-06-22 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
A neon atom and an oxide ion behave differently because they have different number of protons.
neon atom: 10
oxide ion: 8
2008-06-22 5:04 pm
neon 係自然存在ge noble gas, 佢一開始就已經有8粒outermost shellelectron, 所以佢係好stable 同unreactive, 而oxide ion, 係自然仲係冇e樣野ge, 只佢oxygen react with metals, 由ionic bond 組合埋, oxide ion係 有charge的(2-), 而neon係冇charge的

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