
2008-06-22 3:02 am
是否有一個特別的英文字詞來形容它? 或要一兩句才能形容它?

回答 (6)

2008-06-22 1:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以寫standard rounding/symmetric rounding。Rounding的意思是除整,通常有三個方法:standard rounding (=1-4 round down, 5-9 round up),rounding up always(=1-9 round up),rounding down always (=1-9 round down)。這個standard rounding方法其實是「不公平」,因為1-4只有四個數目字,而5-9郤有五個,所以向上入的機會較多。

一些軟件會用都的是unbiased rounding,1-4與6-9的方法跟以上的一樣,不過5就要看前一個數目字是單還是雙數(單向上入,雙向下捨)。如果你要兩個小數位:
1.041 > 1.04 --- 1.051 > 1.05
1.044 > 1.04 --- 1.054 > 1.05
1.045 > 1.04 --- 1.055 > 1.06
1.046 > 1.05 --- 1.056 > 1.06
1.049 > 1.05 --- 1.059 > 1.06

2008-06-23 1:20 am
to round up or down / to round off
2008-06-22 1:12 pm
Round off the last number, forward as 1 if it is 5 or more, make it
as zero if it is 4 or less.
(調整最後的數字,若是 5 或大於5, 就進位加一, 若是4 或低於4, 變為零。)


But, we can say : round something up/down, i.e. increase/decrease
(a figure, price, etc) to the nearest whole number.
e.g. A charge of $1.90 will be rounded up to $2, and one of $3.10
rounded down to $3.
(把$1.90的費用上調為$2, 把$3.10下調為$3 )

2008-06-22 22:12:51 補充:
tintin852's advice is helpful. I have got to know that standard rounding represents 四捨五入.
But, we need to add some more explanation in case people might not understand.
2008-06-22 3:19 am
Rounding off =四捨五入
In this method, we estimate a number correct to a degree of accuracy.
Eg:132=130(because 2 little than 5)
1.38=1.4(because 8is greater thanor equal to5)

rounding up and down=上捨入和下捨入
參考: my maths book
2008-06-22 3:09 am
round down and round up!
例如: can you agree rounding down and rounding up the price of the goods?
2008-06-22 4:29 am
Four sheds five enter

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