Do you ok ? 與 Are you ok?

2008-06-22 2:19 am
Do you ok? 與 Are you ok? 的分別

回答 (6)

2008-06-22 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Do you ok?" is wrong.

"Are you ok?" is correct.

"ok" is an adjective.

When we ask a question with "Do + subject", it should be followed by a verb.e.g. Do you know the answer? The word "do" is only an auxiliary verb here. The verb of this question is "know". We do not ask questions like "Do you tall?" or "Do you hungry?"

For the question "Are you ok?", "are" is the verb. A possible answer is "Yes, I am ok."

I am an experienced private English tutor. I have seen many students make this kind of mistakes. They do not know why sometimes "do" is the auxiliary verb and sometimes the main verb. "Have" is the other word that might cause confusion to students.
2008-06-22 1:59 pm
(4)號的老師說Are you OK的解釋正確,但Do you OK的錯處並不是因為OK只是個形容詞。OK這個字也可以作動詞用,但因為它是個transitive verb,所以句子一定要有個賓語;因此,Do you OK是不正確的。

Has Mary OK'd the document yet?
Do you OK my going out tonight?

2008-06-22 4:28 am
跟本沒有人會說 Do you okay?

ARE you okay 才是正確的呢!
2008-06-22 2:34 am
do you ok呢係問苶自己壹個仁得未
而are ok就係問苶準備好未
2008-06-22 2:31 am
Do you ok?與 Are you ok?是你確定的?或您是否是好的?的意思,其實兩者通用,冇分別嫁.希望我可以幫到你啦!Bye!
2008-06-22 2:29 am
Do you ok是 你做好未,Are you ok是你們ok未.

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