急問 信用咭幾問

2008-06-22 1:12 am

我有恒生 e-banking , 有 恒生card 一張


1. 想問問 , 碌咭過程係點 ?
我俾張card 佢 , then 佢俾我簽名 ? 定還是我要enter password sin再簽名 ?

2. 找卡數問題
我想問... 找卡數個過程係點 ?
佢會寄張單黎 , then 點俾錢俾番 d card 數呢 ?

麻煩幫手, thanks ~

回答 (2)

2008-06-22 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 俾張card 佢 , then 佢俾我簽名,不用enter password ,the cashier just confrim your signature is it the same with your credit card's簽名. the password of credit card, just need at ATM machine. you see someone enter password, cuz they use EPS, EPS is the saving account's card, and need to enter password.
So if you lost your credit card, you need to call card centre immediately, cuz for credit card signature is your password. After the staff confirmed your signature, she will give you a receipt, that's mean you paid the bill.
2. Bank will send you a statement every month, shows details and pay date, you pay it before that day OK la. You can choose PPS, go to Circle K and find a PPS machine, swipe your savings account's card and set a 5 digit password, the machine will give you the receipt, and dail 18013 to register your credit card, call 18033 for payment. Or go to PPS.com to see how to do.
If savings and credit card not from the same bank, you can try ATMmachine, insert your savings card, and choose 繳費(must have a 繳費logo on the machine), will shows the bank's name, if you see the same bank name of your credit card, you can input the credit card no to pay it.
Too many ways, i cant tell you all, but the best way is PPS, many ppl use it.
2008-06-22 5:47 pm
1) 碌咭過程係 :
您俾張card 佢 , then 佢俾您簽名. 不需要enter password sin再簽名 .
2) 恒生佢會寄張單黎 , 叫您找卡數, 您可以用e-banking俾番錢找 d card 數, 或者在銀行過數找卡數.
有時去 百佳, 惠康買野啦, 有人用card 要輸入密碼入部機度, 因為佢果張只係 eps .

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