covalent compound問題

2008-06-21 7:37 pm

O係oxygen Y唔知係咩黎既..

咁呢個compound有冇可能係covalent compound? 點解?

回答 (2)

2008-06-21 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案


If Y is a non-metal, Y2O3 (e.g. As2O3) is a covalent compound, in which the non-metal atoms of Y and O are held together by covalent bonds.

If Y is a metal, Y2O3 (e.g. Fe2O3) is mainly an ionic compound with covalent character. The compound between a metal and oxygen is mainly ionic. However, Y3+ ion carries 3 positive charges and has a small size, and thus Y3+ ion has a great polarizing power, i.e. great ability to withdraw electrons from the O2- ion.

Therefore, Y may be a covalent compound or a compound of mainly ionic with covalent character.
2008-06-21 7:57 pm
Y=Yttrium, atomic number 39, is a metal,
As O is not metal, the Y-O bond is convalent bond.
It should be Yttrium(III) oxide, the most common oxidation state of Yttrium.

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