
2008-06-21 6:53 pm


回答 (7)

2008-06-26 5:28 am
I broke up with her more than one mouth ago.


I have broken up with her for more than one mouth


and now we are just common friend

2008-06-25 21:30:28 補充:
分手用break up最好
break up 一斷關係(男女朋友)

普通朋友一定係common friend
2008-06-25 9:32 pm
I already bid good-bye with her for more than one months

Now we are only the ordinary friends
2008-06-22 7:41 am
it should be "i've broken up with her for one month already, we are only common friends now"

i hope that can help you!
參考: me
2008-06-21 10:17 pm
we broke up for more than a month already
we are just ordinary friends now.
參考: myself
2008-06-21 7:18 pm
我已經跟她分手一個多月了, 現在我們只是普通朋友

I have split up with her for more than one month. But now, we are still friends.


When two people split up, they end their relationship or marriage.
1) After he split up with his wife, he went to Arizona. 自從他與太太離分後, 他便前往Arizona去。
2) I think we should split up. 我想我們應該分手。

2008-06-21 16:18:17 補充:
Correction: -

我已經跟她分手一個多月了, 現在我們只是普通朋友

I have split up with her for more than one month. But now, we are JUST ORDINARY FRIENDS.
參考: Collins Cobuild English Language Dictationary
2008-06-21 6:57 pm
I have already separated with her for more than one month
We are just friend now.
參考: 自己
2008-06-21 6:54 pm
I already bid good-bye with her for more than months

Now we are only the ordinary friend

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