driving without a license (got permit) pulled over by police?

2008-06-21 2:46 am
i drove my fds car to go DMV when i got permit......

i got pulled over and i crashed a car when police wanna pull

over us......my fd doesnt have a license, insurance,and he also

has a false plate, which means the number on his car are wrong

we ar under 18....and wt will our penalties?? thankyou

回答 (5)

2008-06-21 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
The one thing you need to ask yourself before driving a car is does it belong on the road. This means not only is it safe, but is it properly registered, and insured.
Another is am I qualified to drive it. If you do not have the proper drivers license, the answer is should be an automatic no.
There is an old saying "If you can't pay the fine, don't do the crime" (or "If you can't do the time don't do the crime").
When driving, a rule is don't panic.
I hope no one was hurt, not only are you looking at time and fines for the crime, but also the need to make restitution for property damage.
Your problems are just beginning. I hope some time you learn to stop and think about what the cost will be for your actions before you act.
I think you might learn some valuable lessons from this if you will accept that it is your fault that you are in this fix.
2016-05-23 10:21 am
Not sure about CA but if you get caught you can almost bet you will not get your license at least until you are 21, most likely spend the night in jail. Go ahead and get a lawyer because you will be in front of the judge. Community service and other BS fines. Your better off riding the bus.
2008-06-21 3:31 am
PARENTS are responsible. The "false" plates is going to be hard to explain to the cops! You won't be able to get a license for probably another year.
2008-06-21 2:58 am
why would you even drive with out a license seriously lol

and if you wanna drive that bad drive around parking lots that are empty lol

idk it depends on the state u are in. some places just give you a 200 fine others might take you to jail

i know that my bf has drove on a suspended license with out insurance but he had the right license plates. they just give him a 200 fine or somwhere around therer and call it good
2008-06-21 2:52 am
who knows because you should have gotten it.

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