is it true about the Japanese??

2008-06-20 5:31 pm
I am planning to visit Japan someday. My mom keeps nagging about how the men treat the women lower and they have less rights and stuff? "Why would yo want to be engulfed in a culture that treats people that way?"
Is this true. Please explain if you really know or have experience

回答 (9)

2008-06-20 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Japanese men in general do like a women to be a step behind and keep their mouths shut but that said women are slowly gaining. of course they are not at the level of political equality of northern European women (higher than the US) or the US or Canada etc. BUT is a culture of women who like being "girly" and cute. That is not a put - down it is just the way it is. Women general who are too outspoken end up without husbands. As a foreign woman you are not looked at the same but then again Japanese men won't chase after a women full speed like a western man in general. it is not their culture. You can still enjoy your stay. As a non-Japanese you are not held to the same standard but also you are not a "Japanese" nor will you ever be. Even after 2-3 generations and children born here. Many third and fourth generation Koreans still carry foreign ID cards.
2008-06-20 6:34 pm
Non-sense ! Women control the money in the household.
And if you're just visiting, there should'nt be any problems.
2008-06-20 10:06 pm
That was way back in the days. I agree that Japan is one of the safest place for tourist, even if you're like me, a single female traveling alone on a 3-week Japan by Rail trip. I saw nothing but friendly people (men and women) eager to help me and make sure I am taken care of. In fact, the few times I was lost at the train stations, it was men who helped me get directions - one actually went out of his way to take me to the right platform and made sure I got on the right train.
2008-06-20 7:44 pm
In some things, there is definately a lot of very deeply ingrained chauvanism. Women are free to go to school and take employment outside the family but the common assumption is that upon marriage and having children, most employers expect the woman to leave the workforce and often hire accordingly. You don't see many women in corporate offices in Japan, although that is slowly changing.

In a Japanese family, the man may be the one bringing home the money, but wives completely control the pursestrings. Women take on full control over managing the household, raising the children and governing the finances. The working man gets an allowance out of his salary and very often, the wives have far more leisure time than their husbands. Women have much more time for socializiing and travel than men do, and more often than not are not at all afraid to take full advantage of it. Young Japanese women are not following in traditional footsteps as much now. Many young woman have jobs and are reluctant to give up their social freedom to marry so the average age for a person to marry in Japan is inching up.

A lot has been made about harrassment of women and there's no question that it's a problem. Women were routinely gropped on busy subway trains and it got to the point that they set aside women's only cars during rush hour on the busiest lines in Tokyo. Domestic violence is now official acknowleged. Things are changing and improving for women.

I'm also a woman who traveled to Japan on her own and found nothing in the way of disrespect. I found everyone who ineracted with me to be nothing less that polite the entire time I was there.
2008-06-20 6:50 pm
Not true. And as a tourist you'll be in one of the safest countries in the world to travel.....Safer than most major cities in the US...
2008-06-21 5:52 am
how old is your mom? maybe it was long time ago but right now men and women are both equal in Japan.
2008-06-20 8:22 pm
I think it was true until 1945.
But after World War II, social system entirely changed. With changing of system and law, people's conscious had also changed. Our grandmas had gained freedom and rights. And the present, some girls enjoy too much freedom.
(George W. Bush said Japan had adopted American democracy. ha ha ha).

It is true that many girls tend to pretend kawaii. But also it is true that most of housewives manage home accounting.
2008-06-21 7:56 am
Don't worry, it's a once-upon-a-time story.They will treat you very nice.And Japan is one of the safest countries in the world.

By the way "i hate cravens", why do you think Japan is not safe country? Most of the people who have ever been to Japan say it's safe country. You say your source is TV. Do you trust everything on TV? What a ignorat idiot you are! Have a common sense.
2008-06-21 4:43 am
yes, my advice for you is just stay in if you don't wanna get raped.people there are violent.why don't you go to travel some safe countries ?
參考: TV

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