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2008-06-21 5:23 am
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is arguably Burton's first kid's film since
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure and, as a pure sugar-rush of light-hearted
entertainment, it's almost impossible not to enjoy.

回答 (3)

2008-06-23 11:27 pm
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is arguably Burton's first kid's film since Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
<朱古力掌門人> 也許稱得上是 添布頓繼 <Pee-Wee's Big Adventure> 之後首部兒童電影
(note: 這裡的arguably 沒有 "爭議性"這意思, 只是代表 "可能是" "有人認為是" )

and, as a pure sugar-rush of light-hearted entertainment, it's almost impossible not to enjoy.
全部電影輕鬆熱鬧, 精彩不絕, 像請觀眾的眼睛大吃甜點, 難怪人人都喜歡.
(note: sugar-rush 是口語, 是說人吃糖粉太多吃到過份興奮的狀態. 這裡借用此詞有相關意思, 電影是講甜食的, 而它的精彩熱鬧, 對觀眾也像有 sugar rush 的興奮效果)
2008-06-22 3:17 am
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is arguably Burton's first kid's film since Pee-Wee's Big Adventure,繼 Pee-Wee's Adventure之後,「朱古力掌門人」是 Burton的富爭議性的第一套兒童電影,
and, as a pure sugar-rush of light-hearted entertainment, 而且,它作為一項純粹「蜜餞」和輕鬆愉快的娛樂,
it's almost impossible not to enjoy. 差不多沒可能不去享受它。
2008-06-21 9:33 am

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