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上面嗰位嘅回答回應唔到你嘅問題, 佢嘅內容只係環繞住關於做一個 healthy living 嘅問卷調查.
Maybe I give you some main points about your topic.
1. have a healthy diet - e.g. never skip any meals; eat more vegetables and fruits and less meat; avoid soft drinks, snacks and fast food; have a balanced diet; avoid the kind of food containing too much sugar, salt and oil, etc.
2. do exercise regularly - e.g. do exercise at least twice a week, each time for about 30 to 45 minutes; try to do more aerobic exercise (帶氧運動) such as running and jogging; to walk more often instead of taking transport; plan some activities such as hiking with friends and family.
3. get plenty of rest - e.g. make sure to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day; try not to sleep late at night and more importantly, never ever burn midnight oil (開夜車); take a short break after long hours of working or studying, if possible, try to take a nap.
4. relax yourself - do not get too stressed up with the work or studies, try to relax yourself by, say, listening to some music, watching movies, reading comics or even day-dreaming (actually, day-dreaming is a knid of meditation which helps to relax a person's mind); some people find it stressful to deal with some problems, when this happens, they may release their stress by talking to others such as their friends and families, they may also seek professional help when needed.
These are some brief suggestions, you may add your own ideas and give more details when necessary.