How can we stop these copier

2008-06-20 8:31 am
Please take a look at the following question :
004 has copied 002's answer without any change.
All wise voters, can you tell me how to stop this kind of evil act ???
I checked and found that I have the option to report to the Copy Right Department of HK Government becuase this guy has infringed my intelligence right.
What is your opinion ?

回答 (4)

2008-06-20 2:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Report to YAHOO ADMINSTRATION to stop this action, (I have just sent my complaint regarding the above said question.), though they seldom respond.

2) Post your complaint as a question like what you are doing currently.
3) Notify all your YAHOO friends to pay attention and vote fairly.
4) Report to the Copy Right Department of HK Government as you have proposed.
5) Try to send letters to the plagiarist asking for the cancellation of the plagiarizing answer. They should be ashamed for what they did, otherwise they are considered to be impossible.
Please notify me by email should such thing happen again.


2008-06-20 12:13:08 補充:
The plagiarist's answer No.004 has been removed fnally. Did she/he remove the answer
by herself/himself, or was the answer removed by YAHOO?
2008-06-29 8:57 am
Just dropping by so i thought i'll drop a line as well?
Now that u have mentioned, i did notice people copying others. It was so exaggerating that the same exact answer was copied 4 times. Funny? Not?

There was once i was indirectly called as a "copier". A translation for 沒愛世界像地獄 (something like that). I was the 3rd or 4th who answered. The chosen best answer was the first one and the person who posted the question said the rest were copying the first. Well... that was such a unfair remark as my answer was DEFINITELY different, i had one letter less. Haha~ Bet u think i am kidding. How can one letter make my answer different. One letter that makes all the difference. Would u agree that life without love is like a hell? Or life without love is hell? Anyways~

I think i've dropped more than A line here LOL. Well, i doubt complaints to yahoo or the goverment would work as these are far to minor compared to other plagarism. Im sure the people who post their answers will have some sense in choosing the best answer although sometimes not. Perhaps when u see such happening, other than posting an additional post, just post directly on that plagarised post itself! Good idea? Just my humble suggestion. Just stay cool... there are people like that everywhere, cant stop them all.
2008-06-20 11:20 am
You cannot be serious.

Sorry, I just copied from John McEnroe.
2008-06-20 8:52 am
Go for it! I had these kind of experience before
But I am not so sure if you report this case to the copyright department of hk govt, will they even notice this? Or they will just send you a letter saying that they will look deeper in this case!
But you have just done a right thing! You reported this case through YAHOO KNOWLEDGE! People will notice that!

2008-06-20 00:54:02 補充:
btw I have just voted you haha you are 002 right?
參考: me

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