可唔可以幫我翻譯做英文 ? thx

2008-06-20 8:05 am
生日party玩得開心嗎? 我都好想join in
我諗住轉工呀 , 但係諗唔到做咩, 又好似唔係好適合做sales
比 d 意見呀 *

回答 (7)

2008-06-20 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why you still have not replied to me ? I am so worried about you !
How was your birthday party ? I hope you all had fun and I wish I could join !
I am thinking about changing my job, but I still cannot figure out what I should do. In any case I do not think that I am suitable to be a sales person.
Hey, give me some opinion, please.
參考: Myself
2008-06-24 8:59 am
You haven't replied to me yet since long and it really worries me, are you busy and tired with work?
Were you happy in the birthday party? I wanted to join you guys.
I am thinking of looking for a new job, but I don't know what I should do. I don't think I would suit to become sales though. Can you give me some ideas?
參考: moi
2008-06-24 8:31 am
I have been really worring about you as you haven't reply for my message for such a long time.
How are you? Are you working well?
Did you enjoy your birthday party? I was really desperate to participate and have fun with you guys.
Recently, I have a serious consideration of changing my occupation, but I can't really think of any jobs that would suit me best, would you like to give me some suggestions (apart from sales which is not my cup of tea)?
參考: Myself
2008-06-20 7:18 pm
你咁耐唔覆番我,擔心死我啦 = How come you did not give me a reply, you scared me to death.
工作辛苦嗎? = Are you working very hard for your job?
生日party玩得開心嗎? 我都好想join in = How's the birthday party? I hated that I had missed it. (必定是過去式)
我諗住轉工呀 , 但係諗唔到做咩, 又好似唔係好適合做sales = I intended to change my job, but I can't think of one by now, seemed I am not quite suitable to be a sales person.
參考: self
2008-06-20 1:23 pm
I am so worried about you since I haven't heard about you for a long time.
How is work lately?
Did you have fun and enjoy your time with friends at your birthday party? I so wanted to come over and joined you guys!
I am thinking to change my job but I don't have an idea of what I want to do right now, I realized (my personality??) does not fit as a salesperson. What do you think??
參考: me
2008-06-20 8:40 am
You able to bear well , cover of I , worry I extremely , work hard? Party play happily on birthday? I really miss Shen , I of join in , is it change a job to live in , but Shen well , reach make baa , seem well , is it is it make sales than d suggestion to suit to fasten *
2008-06-20 8:16 am
i am so worry that you have not replied me for a long time.

are you ok in your job ?

are you happy in your birthday party? actually i really want to attend it

i want to change my job as sales seems to be not suitable for me

may i have your any suggestion?

大概 係岩, 如有錯 請指出

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