Changing the negative exponent in a fraction to positive?

2008-06-20 7:38 am
Ex. 4b^-4
^ means to the power of...
- negative sign

You are not sopose to have a negative exponent. How do I change it to a fraction with a positive exponent

Thanks you

i get confused on these ones

回答 (4)

2008-06-20 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
4 * (1/b^4) is the same expression.

Note that x^(-a) = 1 / x^a

To get rid of the negative sign, express it as a quotient of 1 divided by the exponential value without the negative sign.
2016-10-23 9:47 pm
...A detrimental exponent only signifies that you're dividing by that huge form after elevating it to the potential. So only bypass that area to the denominator, and it is going to grow to be an outstanding exponent. 40 2 x^11 y^-5 = 42x^11 / y^5
2008-06-20 7:49 am
One answer is 4/b^4 or1/(4b^4 )depending on whether you actually meant 4(b^-4) or (4b)^-4
2008-06-20 7:44 am
= 4(1/b^4)
= 4/b^4

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