Is having sex at a young age really that bad?

2008-06-19 4:20 pm
I want to know, because my mother freaks out if i so much as mention it, but alot of my friends have done it and nothing bad has happened to i'm curious

回答 (12)

2008-06-19 6:39 pm
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yes & no it is a very big responsiblity & some times young people make it like it is nothing for one thing when your young your hormones are raging "No one will understand We're in Love like no one in the world has ever been" its all lust, hormones, & emotions at that age & a lot of people aren't ready to deal with it because they don't have the experiance so when the break up happens because they were the first it can be very bad... then there is the practical side STD's pregnancy people get caught ou in the moment don't use protection every time both condoms & birth control (pills IUD's whatever) by reading here it on Yahoo Answers really amaze me how much both kids & adults don't know about Sex, what has happened to the Sex Ed. Program in our schools many think that things like the pull out method will work or that they can't get STD's by oral sex so yeah it's a big deal when you decided too it doesn't matter when you have it but make an informed choice don't just do it because everyone else is & you'd be supirsed how many really haven't done it.... but do it because you feel you both really care about each other & have protected yourselves go to the free clinic & get birth control for you what ever your comfortable with USE IT!!!! ALWAY!!! & getr condoms too don't count on him to have them & always rember No Glove, No Love ..also ask them how to protect yourself when having oral sex too.
2008-06-19 4:30 pm
I guess what you have to ask yourself is why you want to have sex and what sex means to you. If you want to do it for doing it's sake then when you are a bit older and you meet somebody you really connect with you may regret your decision.

I personally believe that love making should be kept within the premise of marriage for various reason that are to numerable to get into on here.

I hope you don't make any decision based on what your friends are doing or not doing, and I think try your mum again, she might surprise you. :o)
2008-06-20 3:28 am
ok it is not a problem in a young sex that is about can anyone respond after doing it about getting a baby or AIDS
2008-06-19 5:51 pm
ok, so everyone thinks sex is evil at a certain age. lol its not your experiencing normal teenage peer pressure.. sex wont make u a better person and unless you go screwing the world it wont make u less of one either. even if your friends are sexually active doesnt mean you should be too. you will have sex when your ready. not when your friends are.. just think about it twice and everytime you question yourself about having it remember that slutty girl in school no one likes lol dont become her :)

other than that all i can say is once your ready use protection and chose ur mate wisely.. lolol
2008-06-19 4:47 pm
Logically in the 21th century, as long as you pass the legal limit to have sex and have sex safely(such as using a condom).

But for me, i do not really agree with that, as i would keep my virginity until i get married and for my parents its the same too.
2008-06-19 4:36 pm
Considering the emotional angles, the hormonal influences, the economic and familial consequences possible, waiting until you can deal with these may be the more prudent course of action.. Knowing teens and their raging hormones/sex drives, if you must indulge use protection and do not be come pregnant.

All things considered, waiting would be the best course.
2008-06-19 4:35 pm
it is not bad as long as you are protected.. i think your mother freaks out when u mention it as she doesn't want you to do it because she fears unwanted pregnancies.. if u think about doing it, make sure u are protected against STD's or pregnancies etc.. make your guy to use good condoms, take the pill and make him *** out and not inside your body. Good luck! xx
2008-06-19 4:31 pm
It is far better to wait until you are older and preferrably in a serious relationship. There's a lot more to sex than the physical act and the more mature you are, you are better able to handle it. Besides the possible emotional fall out, if you were to get pregnant, how would you and your partner handle the situation? There are many consequences of having sex and both you and your partner need to be mature enough to handle those consequences.
2008-06-19 4:28 pm
umm it all depends. my mom use freak to although, i haven't had sex and my friends have. and whether or not it's a big deal depends on alot of things, if you are mature and you arn't going to go have sex with a different person everynight or if your being safe etc. but i dont suggest doing it behind your moms back, maybe just talk to her about it tell her you are curious maybe she wont freak as much. hope this helps :]]
2008-06-19 4:26 pm
It's not bad, it's just that in some families sex is taboo. Just make sure to be protected. I personally am curious too.

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