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yes & no it is a very big responsiblity & some times young people make it like it is nothing for one thing when your young your hormones are raging "No one will understand We're in Love like no one in the world has ever been" its all lust, hormones, & emotions at that age & a lot of people aren't ready to deal with it because they don't have the experiance so when the break up happens because they were the first it can be very bad... then there is the practical side STD's pregnancy people get caught ou in the moment don't use protection every time both condoms & birth control (pills IUD's whatever) by reading here it on Yahoo Answers really amaze me how much both kids & adults don't know about Sex, what has happened to the Sex Ed. Program in our schools .....sex many think that things like the pull out method will work or that they can't get STD's by oral sex so yeah it's a big deal when you decided too it doesn't matter when you have it but make an informed choice don't just do it because everyone else is & you'd be supirsed how many really haven't done it.... but do it because you feel you both really care about each other & have protected yourselves go to the free clinic & get birth control for you what ever your comfortable with USE IT!!!! ALWAY!!! & getr condoms too don't count on him to have them & always rember No Glove, No Love ..also ask them how to protect yourself when having oral sex too.