Waves - out of phase 與anti-phase既分別

2008-06-20 6:01 am
我做題目果陣佢話out of phase 者係anti phase
但係老師話 out of phase 只係指佢地唔係in phase

回答 (2)

2008-06-20 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
out of phase 的確唔係in phase就係out of phase
but..係ce d題目..佢所指的 out of phase 即係anti phase...
明唔明anti phase同in phase有咩分別?唔明我再話你知..
2008-06-20 6:25 am
Your teacher is right.

Two waves are [anti-phase] when their phase difference is [pi radian out of phase]. That is, they are shifted by half-a-wavelength.

If the two waves are not [in-phase], they are said to be [out of phase], i.e. they are shifted by a certain phase angle.

Therefore, [in phase] just means zero phase angle between the two waves.
[out of phase] means a phase difference of a certain angle
[anti phase] means a phase difference of pi radians (180 degrees, or half-a-wavellength)

[Anti-phase] is thus a particular situation of [out of phase].

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