
2008-06-20 5:47 am
Topic: In many countries the problem of drug-taking is increasing. Governments and the general public are particularly concerned about young people using illegal drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy and heroin. What methods could be used to prevent young people from taking drugs?
Is it appropriate to send young drug-users to prison?
Give reasons for your answer.
Please write at least 250 words.

There is no denying that in many western and eastern countries had a bad phenomenon of raising taking drugs. Taking drug will make oneself unhealthy such as some breath problems. In the article, I will suggest some way to stop people especially young people taking drugs.

In the first place, it is vital to tell the disadvantages of taking drugs. For instance, it will not only let people thinking messy but also have the risk of death after taking. What is more telling the ingredients of drugs also is a good point. This can make people who attempt to take drugs was scared by the harmful ingredients of laundry powder and poisonous water and so on.

In the second place, polices can check disco, taprooms, entertainment places regularly. In a tiny city like Hong Kong is an example. This can not only diminish the drug-users but also surveillance the drug’s suppliers. As a result, this will reduce the chance of young people take drugs.


Last but nit least, I think send young drugs-users in jail is an efficient idea to prevent young people taking drugs. It is surely can make people afraid of trying it. Be that as it may, it is too serious to give a bad record to oneself certificate.


Therefore, it is essential have a good plan. Such as if oneself need to send to prison, the drug-user is discovered by the police and commit many times. Because of a democracy country, we have to give people freedom so it can not immure the drugs-user who is discovered once.


In summary, we have the responsibility to persuade people around us not to take drugs because it will endanger ourselves.


我什麼都有可能錯..tense, a an the這類..spelling, gramma句子累贅等. 總之你可以改的就改好好好它吧… 謝謝!!!

回答 (1)

2008-06-20 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Topic: In many countries the problem of drug-taking is increasing. Governments and the general public are particularly concerned about young people using illegal drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy and heroin. What methods could be used to prevent young people from taking drugs?
Is it appropriate to send young drug-users to prison?
Give reasons for your answer.
Please write at least 250 words.

There is no denying of the increasing trend of using illegal drugs in both western and eastern countries.Taking drug will make the user gets ill. I.e. breathing problems. In the following paragraphs, I will suggest some ways to stop people taking drugs, especially young people.
There are several disadvantages of using illegal drugs. For instance, it confuses users minds. Also, the users are risking their lives by taking them. Further, the drugs are harmful to human beings. They are made of laundry powder, poisonous water and so on.
Moreover, police checks disco, taprooms, entertainment places regularly. In a tiny city like Hong Kong. Thus, it's very easy to get busted
In my opinion, I think those users should be sent to jail. Hence people will look before they leap before they take drugs, because there is a very bad consequence of doing it.
In summary, we have the responsibility to persuade people around us not to take drugs because it will endanger ourselves.

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