Argumentative writing(SHARK)_20 marks

2008-06-20 4:30 am
Should sharks be killed? (Agree/ Disagree)


>Arguments x 3

>Explanations x 3

>Example x 3


回答 (1)

2008-06-20 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
sharks should not be killed because:

- they are part of the natural ecosystem and once they disappear from the ecosystem many other animals will either overpopulate or become extinct.

- Thousands of tons of sharks are killed for that one body part: the fins. People simply throw away the body without consideration for it. It's a complete waste.

- The first sharks appeared 350 million years ago. They have been living longer than the human race. What gives us the right to kill them and cause their extinction


- This will affect us because we are part of the ecosystem and if we get rid of even one point of the ecosystem, we throw off millions of other animals including us.

-People use these fins for shark fins soup purely for monetary purposes. It is inhumane and cruel.

- Our next generation will never be able to see these sharks and study them for what they really are.

now...what kind of examples are you looking for?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:08:49
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