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岩岩買既龜時時都係唔食野ga la...不適應ma...魚店D老闆成日亂gum up ga la...不要騷擾牠...don't feed紅虫...no nutrients...
after 一個星期唔食野, 去魚街買十蚊三袋活生生個d豐年蝦(very yummy!)(一包約有300-400隻)把整袋活生生豐年蝦放在雪櫃可以耐存一點,不過估都只是可以放幾天
換緊殼have to do more sunbathing, but not noon, because too hot.
sunbathing can make its shell harder, because it can absorb vitamin D
always pay attention to whether it has some illness such as skin infection, and remember to renew its water once a day, the water used should be 隔夜水 that put under the sunshine for one day, because the tap water has氯氣
let me introduce a turtle forum for u it's is really helpful
http://hkturtle.b.forumable.net/tc/index.php/adget.php?id=496 呢個網址係個龜論壇,入去問,一定有人解答到你,仲答得好詳細,成為會員,仲可以有多d野,又可以問,又可以答,各個龜友都齊集晒係度,包你一定鍾意
2008-06-20 23:28:31 補充:
metrocity, 龜梗係會換殼ga la...唔換殼點長大ar?
my turtle 都係經過換殼階段先至能變dou now gum大 gor wor...
2008-06-21 18:10:29 補充:
mud 你無見過龜殼上面掉一塊塊六角形類似指甲質地既殼片落黎o羊? 跟住生番d大d既殼片...你未見過唔代表人地都未見過gar!
2008-07-19 02:58:59 補充: