
2008-06-20 1:41 am
有冇多d [Ea]字既既英文名可以俾我?係女仔名

回答 (2)

2008-06-21 6:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Earline ( er-leen)..... German <shield>
Other forms:
Earlene ( er-lene)
Earlina ( er-lina)
Earlena ( er-lena)
Eartha ( ER-tha) .......German " <The earth>
Earla ( er-la) ....English <Noble>

2008-06-20 23:08:35 補充:
Easter ( East_er) ...English

2008-06-20 23:24:13 補充:
Eacnung Anglo-Saxon Bears children F
Eada English Wealthy F
Eadaion German Joyous friendship F
Eadda English Wealthy F
Eadgyth Anglo-Saxon Wife of Edward the Confessor F
Eadgyth English Happy warfare F
Eadignes Anglo-Saxon Bliss F
Eadlin Anglo-Saxon Princess F

2008-06-20 23:25:50 補充:
Eadmund English Rich benefactress F
Eadwine English Wealthy friend F
Ealga Irish Noble F
Eara Scottish From the east F
Earie Scottish From the east F
Earlena English Noble woman F
Earlena Spanish Shield F
Earlene English Noble woman F
Earlene Spanish Shield F

2008-06-20 23:27:12 補充:
Earlina English Noble woman F
Earlina Spanish Shield F
Earline English Noble woman. Feminine of Earl F
Earna English Eagle F
Earnestyna English Serious F
Earric English Powerful F
Eartha English Worldly F
Eartha German The earth. F

2008-06-20 23:28:50 補充:
Earwine English Friend of the sea F
Earwyn English Friend of the sea F
Earwyna English Friend of the sea F
Easter Anglo-Saxon Goddess of the dawn F
Easter English Born at Easter F
Eastre English Born at Easter F
Eathelin English Noble waterfall F

2008-06-20 23:30:52 補充:
Eathellreda English Noble maiden F
Eathelyn English Noble waterfall F
Eavan Irish Fair F

REMARK: F stands for female
2008-06-20 3:21 am
Eada - E da
Eadaion - E dai on

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