
2008-06-19 1:45 pm

回答 (2)

2008-06-19 3:45 pm
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When i was learning WWII in america, they really talk much about Europea than Asia. They viewed asia as a after war mess. After finishing European, they just need to clean it up (such as Japan lose, but they still keep fighting, when we learning, it give us a feeling of the world war 2 is ended already, but the Japanese just keep fighting). Therefore, i go for Europea. Also, most of the people in american is come from European (think about it, back to the 40s, there is not much Asia immigrant). During the 40s, there was many immigrant that was trying to escape either the war or the communist and they went to United States (Such as Jews, Russian, East European...) One of the classmate , even show their grandparent's factory in Europea. (i just don't know how to explain it) In addition, after the war effect is still focus in Europea, the communist shock the whole war....

P.S.: i born in US, i learn World History in US. (2 years ago)
參考: My US History Book and my experience
2008-06-19 2:34 pm
I would guess Europe because there were more famous faces (Hilter, Churchill, Stalin, Eisenhower) in that campaign.

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