
2008-06-19 10:34 am
有既話... 收咩成績?

我本身係f6 理科

回答 (3)

2008-06-19 12:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
而且係同測量double degree定唔知double major
jupus無講的, 你可以send E-mail去問吓
AL計: A5分 B4分 C3分 D2分 E1分
AS計: A3分 B2.4分 C1.8分 D1.2分 E0.6分
將所有科成績加埋, 中英文計埋AS

2008-06-21 01:19:24 補充:

2008-06-23 00:41:50 補充:
Poly的design其中一個分支係室內設計, 入了設計, 先可以再選室內設計
設計對A-level的要求不高, 基本上pass到就得, 但係interview會佔好重分, 而且一定要profolio, 大約係一本作品集, 入面放一啲自己作品, 例如畫, 動畫, 相, 雕刻之類, 而且有英文筆試, 問D奇怪問題-.- e.g 如果帶遊客遊香港五分鐘, 會帶佢去邊?

2008-06-23 00:44:04 補充:
設計看似簡單, 對成績要求低, 不過無讀art的朋友可以入到設計嘅機會近乎零, 不單要跟啲art人競爭, 重要同HD design嘅人爭, jupas入面poly design一定要擺band A先有interview, 除非有天份有能力有興趣, 如果唔係盞浪費咗個choice
-.-三思三思丫同學, 一時之氣揀design的話真的吃力不討好呢...
參考: , 自己, 修poly設計的朋友
2008-06-19 11:51 pm
YES, most overseas universities have interior design degree program among others.

They usually look at your portfolio more than your A-Level marks. So try to collect more art works you have done in the past and future, any drawings, computer graphics, photos can be put in your portfolio.

The University of Northampton have a large variety of design programs and have a very good interior design program.

The university is located just 45mins train from central London.
參考: www.gcec.hk
2008-06-19 3:58 pm
One of the Best Design Schools in the World 2007


Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong, China

1,300 students, both grad and undergrad

Academic: Kln Institute (Germany), TU Delft (Netherlands), UIAH (Finland)
Business: Has done projects with Benetton and Bang & Olufsen.
Top Employers: TCL, Philips

Claim to Fame: Vivienne Tam, fashion designer is an alumna

Signature Programs: Hong Kong Polytechnic University's College of Design offers business-minded degrees such as design strategy, product innovation, and design in practice. In a strategic design lab, students work with companies on design projects. In the Asian lifestyle lab, they collect ethnographic and anthropological data to help international companies target products to Asian consumers.

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