
2008-06-19 7:57 am
如果我想話“拯救其他人“係應該save others, 定係to save others?
咁如果我想話“同小朋友玩“,咁應該係to play with children 定係play with children定係playing with children?
應該係save the bird定係to save the bird?

回答 (3)

2008-06-19 5:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
好簡單,只係睇你三個例子,動詞一樣,受詞一樣,而 grammar 又冇錯,根本上基本意思就係一樣!
問題係,以 play with children 個例子講,三個情況要用落句子o既唔同位置。首先,句子最基本有三個部份:
subject + verb + object(而 subject object 都係名詞)
1. I play with children
2. Playing with children is fun
呢個叫做 -ing form 或者 gerund,中文係動名詞,即係幾個字當一個名詞用。二樓話有習慣o既含義係錯o既,呢個講法只係因為佢個例子 I like playing... 先正確。我呢個例子就一d咁o既含義都冇,只係解「同細路仔玩好過癮」,當中 playing with children 只係一件事。
同樣,I like playing with children 就等於 I like coffee 一樣結構,只係 I like v+ing 有講興趣呢個慣用法。
3. To play with children is tiring.
呢個係較少見o既情況,上面都講 subject / object 係名詞,但呢個 "to v." o既結構就可以當 subject 用。
.一個動詞後作補充:I need to play with children
.以 to 講一個目的:I come here to play with children
.亦可以作所謂 object complement,即係句子其實冇 object,呢截就o係句子 object 位置(簡單一例 He is good):My aim is to play with children
2008-06-19 8:43 am
其實兩個寫法都可以, 但含意不同

1) I want to play with children. 我想與小朋友玩耍 (只係指今次的情況, 意思係我這一刻想去做的)。
I like playing with children. 我喜歡與小朋友玩耍 (我平日有此喜好/習慣, 而並不是指某一次的情況)。

2) I want to save others. 我想去拯救其他人。
2008-06-19 8:10 am
其實你2句都得, 不過如果你加 "to" 既話, 咁你係前面加d耶先得...

For example: I want to save others = 我想拯救其他人


同小朋友玩, 你就應該用playing with children.....


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