I want some English

2008-06-19 6:46 am
Now....my name is Charly, but i dont like this name.......
I want to change my English name........and i like Kevin this name......
(Kevin) this name the sound is it same as (Kelvin)??? I also want more english
name.......please help me....!!!Please!!!......>.<

I want the name start with C nad K.......

回答 (2)

2008-06-19 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Kevin and Kelvin do sounds differently because of the &quot;L&quot;.

Listen the pronunciation here

Kevin = http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?s=Kevin

Kelvin = http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?q=1&s=kelvin&Submit=+%ACd%A6r+

Do you have any preference on your name , like you want to have a specific meaning? Or you want it to start with which alphabet?
2008-06-20 3:54 am
kevin係讀做 > key vin
kelvin係讀做 > kel vin

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