
2008-06-19 6:27 am

回答 (3)

2008-06-20 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
//I assume you are doing this oral presentation in front of the whole class. If that isn't the case, tell me here and later I'll try to edit the introduction a bit.//

Good morning, Mister/ Miss XXX and my fellow classmates. Today I'm going to tell you more about Times Square, which is a well-known major shopping centre situated in Causeway Bay. To begin with, let me tell you a bit about the history and background the Times Square. It was opened in April 1994. Before the construction of Times Square, the original site was possessed by original tram depot of the Hong Kong Tramways. With its 14-year history and its location at the core of commercial and shopping area, Causeway Bay, Times Square has always been a hot spot for HK residents, especially teenagers, and tourists.

Its history for being a shopping centre and its highly-accessible location are not the only things that bring to the success of Times Square nowadays. The variety and the clear classification of different kinds of shops are undoubtedly the key reasons. For instance, when it comes to clothing, hundreds of boutiques are found. It isn't surprising for us to find famous brand shops there too. For foodstuff, we can easily find manifold restaurants and food stalls, especially in the underground food court. The classification of different kinds of shops is well-cut and clear. What do I mean by that? Every floor in Times Square has been titled, for example "Electronic Zone", "Teens Zone", you name it. Visitors can easily access to the kind of shops they are going for, by looking at the mall map and signals stated every where in the mall. It helps save a lot of time for shoppers and customers to look for where they can buy their required stuff.

2008-06-19 16:07:22 補充:
After listening to what I have just presented, I hope all of you can have a better insight into Times Square. When you are free sometimes, why don't you try going for shopping in Time Square? Thank You.

如果係咁既話, 我一陣番泥shorten佢啦@@"""
if you want mine@@"""
2008-06-19 7:32 am
2008-06-19 6:34 am
speaking about there is a valueable place in the world. and how so convenience to peoples for shopping and entertainment. of course, around the time square are the old-fashion buildings, etc. present hongkong how so big change in this 40years, how peoples spend efforts to build up so nice image in the world.

2008-06-19 22:25:51 補充:
impolite, how to study, it is your academy, it is your prospect, 20point for what?? can redeem????

2008-06-19 22:27:02 補充:
copy is hongkong style, new generation?????????????????????????
參考: experience

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