F.3 percentage.

2008-06-19 5:36 am
A is greater than B by 10% , bus less than C by 20%. C is greater than B by _________ ?

i want the fastest method.

but If U Can Find The Ans Out,,
Itz Still OK.

回答 (2)

2008-06-23 5:28 am
Let x be value of B,
then A is x(1+10%),
C is x(1+10%)(1-20%)=x(88%)

C is greater than B by (1-88%) = 12%
2008-06-19 8:09 pm
A>B 10% => 0.9A=B
C>A 20% => 1.2A=C

now C>B % == (C-B)/B*100%

=> (1.2A-0.9A)/0.9A *100%
= 33.3333%
參考: 自己

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