有冇人報讀過美國 ESL language center 的英文課程?

2008-06-19 5:27 am
i'm planning to take an English course at ESL language center in USA. Share experience, please!

回答 (2)

2008-06-20 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, at the fist time I come to USA from HK, I also took the ESL course from the adult school, they only have 3 levels. Firstly u have to take an interview, an English teacher just talk with u, then she will assign a suitable level for u. As u know we learn English since P.1 or earlier, so she assigns me in the Level 3 (Advanced). Then I took it.
In the course, we speak-out the student newspaper, dictation some sentences, talking .. etc. at home we did some newspaper assignments or writing. I think it is good for the immigrant. I also know that there are some center providing a FREE ESL classes too, u can check with ur township.
After that I also feel my English is not enough, so my friend (she is teaching in University here) suggests me to watch kids channel or reading kids book with CD. It really works on me! I even learn more than in the ESL class.
Hope this information can help you too.

2008-06-20 00:27:45 補充:
Hi, if u want to study (e.g. will study in university later) here, u can take the ESL class at Community College, they provide the credits and another subjects, then u can use the credits to admit university; but u have to check with ur state.

2008-06-20 00:27:52 補充:
before ur admission, community college will give u a placement test for your English and Maths., then they will sugguest u to take some course.
參考: Living in USA
2008-06-19 1:01 pm
美國esl課程係要你take個test, 睇下你個level去到邊, 咁system先會編你去果個level, 咁你就可以從個llevel黎攞班喇!

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