呢句英文用咩 tense 架 ?

2008-06-18 11:36 pm
1) 同第三者一齊看住幅相, 跟住想講我認得相中人係誰

2) 係街有人叫我, 大家互相對望後, 我想同佢講我認得你

3) 同第三者講頭先我係街到撞到呀 tom, 想講我機扶吾認得佢, 佢瘦左好多

回答 (3)

2008-06-21 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Present tense
I know who he/she is.

2. Present tense.
I know you. or
I know who you are.

3.Past tense, present perfect tense
I could hardly recognize him. He has lost a lot of weight.
2008-06-19 5:12 am
事實上三個都係敍述緊一d發生左o既事,除係第三者用個鏡頭拍住你做緊乜,然後一路好似講波咁旁述!所以三句o既基本都係 past tense。不如我直情將呢三句寫出o黎啦:
1. As we looked at that photo, I remembered the name of the guy in it.
2. While I was walking down the street, someone called my name. The guy and I looked at each other. I wanted to say I remembered him.
3. "I met Tom in the street just now! I could barely remember him. He has become so thin!"
頭兩句都好簡單咁記述兩件往事,但第三句則有所不同,因為當中記述往事之餘,仲有一句「好瘦左好多」,而佢變瘦已成事實,發生左,即係往事一椿,但係效果又持續至今(你見到佢時都係咁瘦),所以應該用 present perfect tense。
2008-06-19 12:19 am
1) present tense.

2) present tense.

3) past tense.
參考: myself.

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